
2018-07-10 8:07 GMT+02:00 G. Branden Robinson <g.branden.robin...@gmail.com>:
> Hello DebConf 18 team,
> At 2018-07-09T16:43:28+0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
>> Hi.  Any progress ?
>> For the avoidance of any doubt: I think the published accomodation
>> rates for the DC accomodation include an element of
>> subsidy/sponsorship.
>> As I am asking for an individual room, I do not expect Debconf or our
>> sponsors to subsidise my room in this way.  I am quite happy to pay
>> the appropriate share of the actual underlying venue room cost.
>> I would still like to avoid having to book a hotel off-site.  But time
>> is pressing on.  If I want to make alternative arrangements I need to
>> do so soon.
> FYI, I too am interested in this arrangement, if it can be made.
> I've acquired my plane tickets so I really need to get accommodation
> squared away.  :)

According to yesterday meeting notes, I understand that single rooms
are not planned to be allocated:
  "We currently have no intention of giving single rooms to people
(nattie, 14:44:54)"


Apologies for inconveniences.

Best regards,
 Héctor Orón  -.. . -... .. .- -.   -.. . ...- . .-.. --- .--. . .-.

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