Russ Allbery writes ("Re: "Breaking Cliques at Events""):
> I really enjoy Debconf when I make it there, and loved Montreal, but I
> still had to spend a lot of the conference hiding, and I was totally
> exhausted when I got back.  Wouldn't have missed it, but for me there's a
> high energy cost for interacting with people I don't know well and trying
> to juggle social signals.

I am like this too.  (I have found that I have got better at it with
practice, but it's still very hard work.)

But I think a big point of going to a conference is precisely to
promote "fellow feeling" etc. - all that soft squishy stuff which is
such hard work.  That includes both catching up with old friends but
also welcoming new contributors.  So I try to put in the effort.

And when it gets too much, I also go and hide.

Or I might go and hang out with people I know better.  But I think an
interesting point is that if a group want to go and do that, it would
be nicer to do it in a less public space.  That way the public space
may feel a bit emptier, but much less cliquey.

And yes, I am generally exhausted afterwards.  I think it's worth it


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