Quoting Jerome Charaoui (jer...@debconf.org):
> Hash: SHA512
> Hi everyone,
> Many of you will have booked your flights by now, so I'd like to
> invite you to share your travel plans on the wiki:
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/TravelCoordination/Arrival
> Doing so will help you meet up with other DebConf attendees at the
> airport, as well as make the bus ride more fun (or taxi fare cheaper).

For the record, dear fellow Debconf attendees, I happen to fly to
Montreal, from Paris, on July 30th (Air Canada 871), so exactly a date
where some of you attending Debcamp might be flying.

I *won't* be attending Debconf nor Debcamp, though, sorry for this. A
few of you know that I'm now more involved in ultra-running than
Debian (and it'll be my 4th-in-a-row Debconf that I miss because I ru
something)....and, indeed, I'm flying to Colorado where I'll run a
100-mile moutain ultra on August 5th and 6th.

And, as a coincidence, it happens that I have a layover in Montreal,
on our way to Denver. So, well, in case a few would fly the same
flight, let's at least meet in Charles de Gaulle airport.

Have great times at Debconf and don't miss the Cheese and Wine!

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