
Paul Wise píše v So 22. 07. 2017 v 11:34 +1000:
> On Fri, Jul 21, 2017 at 9:29 PM, Chris Boot wrote:
> > If not, I'd like some recommendations from the locals for a SIM
> > card
> > that I can use while I'm there for the two weeks of DebConf +
> > DebCamp.
> > I'm looking for something with ~500MB of data to tide me over, any
> > calls
> > or text messages would be a bonus but not required.
> The FAQ recommends using roaming for data:
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/FAQ#Sim_cards

Roaming certainly isn't an option for many people. For me roaming would
cost 3.40 EUR per MB, while the "expensive" local plan seems to be 1
CAD per 10 MB (virginmobile.ca prepaid, pay per use).

        Michal Čihař | https://cihar.com/ | https://weblate.org/

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