at bottom :-

On 09/05/2017, martin f krafft <> wrote:
> also sprach shirish शिरीष <> [2017-05-08 22:50 +0200]:
>> Could somebody share how far that would be and if it would have
>> many turns ?
> and Brouter are your friends…
> --
>  .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
> : :'  :  DebConf orga team
> `. `'`
>   `-  DebConf17 Montreal, CA:
>       DebConf18 Hsinchu, Taiwan:

Dear Martin,

While I don't know brouter, I did try osm but couldn't find any routes
between the two places. I tried all the options, bicycle, foot and car
, in some it goes into calculating mode and stays there forever

Here are the lat long of both places as shared by osm -

45.55045, -73.55358 - Collège de Maisonneuve, 3800, Rue Sherbrooke
Est, Hochelaga, Montreal, Montreal (06), Quebec, H1X 2A2, Canada

45.50550,-73.57397 - Royal Victoria College, Royal Victoria College,
3425, Rue University, Quartier des Spectacles, Downtown, Ville-Marie,
Montreal, Montreal (06), Quebec, H3A 2A8, Canada

If somebody knows something better, please share. I am/was just trying
to have a sense of where the two places are in relation to each other.
I did try both the car and the foot variables in the hope that at
least one will click but for some reason neither of them tell/share
anything. One of them goes into the same/similar calculating mode and
the others error out saying 'Can't find a route between those two
places' .

If anybody knows anything better, please share.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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