also sprach Russ Allbery <> [2017-03-25 19:36 +0100]:
> It's very difficult to figure out the threat model under which
> moving electronics, containing lithium-ion batteries no less, from
> the passenger cabin to the cargo hold makes the plane safer.  And
> of course no one who knows is saying anything at all useful.

Shouldn't be impossible to have the laptop running and providing
a Wifi network to which I then connect from the passenger level.
Then I can basically do anything I want anyway. In short: if this
were a threat, laptops would need to be banned from all baggage. But
I don't see this threat.

… at least not while we're flying in airplanes where toys with
bluetooth are taken off children (just happened…). Since the
aircraft can be disturbed with Bluetooth, I think we have a slew of
other issues anyway, so it's hard to see the tree in all that

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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