in-line :-

On 08/02/2017, Gunnar Wolf <> wrote:
> Jerome Charaoui dijo [Thu, Feb 02, 2017 at 03:14:10PM -0500]:
>> This being said, I admit the "sleeping bag requirement" is perhaps not
>> stated correctly on the wiki.
>> If people are comfortable sleeping directly on the cot fabric, or with
>> only minimal cover, then there is no need for a sleeping bag. There is
>> certainly no need for a heavyweight sleeping bag such as those rated for
>> negative-C temperatures, as the indoor environment will be climate
>> controlled to around 20-22C.
> ...Which might sound like "freezing" to people coming from weathers
> such as Shirish's ;-)

correct :)

> Anyway, I guess a simple blanket can be bought far cheaper in Montreal
> than a sleeping bag. And a blanket is more useful if we donate it to
> the Red Cross or whatever than a sleeping bag...

Absolutely. If we are able to buy blankets for cheap which we would be
able to donate afterwards, would be a good idea.

People who would be buying such blankets should negotiate with options
for a cheaper rate if number of blankets becomes high. This does
become one more thing to do however :(

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