Dear all,

Been thinking about this for a long long time so please bear.

Last year while I personally enjoyed what was called the Open Day very
much, I couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by activities around there.

Even though when it was told/shared by someone that Open Day has
watered down quite a bit from before.

I couldn't help but wonder that when new people come for Debconf Open
Day now Debconf Open Festival  -

a. How welcoming are we to them ?
b. Do we have any numbers to know how many people came to Open Day ?
c. Is there a way to get/generate feedback ?

The above I have no idea about, maybe somebody could share more.

d. How about a free walking tour ?
d. This I could volunteer to be part of. Every couple hours or maybe
once or twice, we gather whatever new people have come, show them
around the stalls and make it more community-oriented.

From my recent free talking tours in South Africa, have seen and
experienced that most people chose to open up and talk to each other.

If the above makes somewhat sense, then we could try this year. This
wouldn't be much work unless the stalls are spread all over campus or
something. Assuming whatever I experienced in debconf16  to hold true,
it would all be in one space.

e. There is/was talk of having computer games on Debconf Open
Festival. Has anybody made a list of potential games that could be
played ?

Few games which come to my mind are -

For e.g. I know there are mad Xonotians who do tournaments round the year

See also

Then there is redeclipse which we have -

The problem and the opportunity with the above games are there are
usually tens or hundreds of maps, mods etc. so the game experience
would be fresh but would need somebody who has got the taste for it.

Flightgear - -
anybody needs a flight simulator -

simutrans - transportation simulator -

supertuxkart - 3D cart racing game -

There are many more - see

Some of the ones I like on the list are -

a. Stunt rally -
b. Vdrift -
c. Vulture for nethack -

Except for the RPG, most of the other games are/would be short games,
at the most an hour or two. While I love RPG's maybe they might not be
suitable for something like Debian Open Festival .

For younger kids we could use gcompris

thoughts ?

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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