Dear all,

I am not a programmer, just a user.
I was going through the pain points and suggestions I had given
(either publicly or/and privately) to improve debconf flow, maybe part
of it could be implemented the upcoming year.

While it was too late then to improve the existing process, we
probably have enough time to improve part of the web form for 2017 -

The only details required are -

a. Name of the prospective attendee -
b. Passport Number -
c. Address -

I do not have access to the webform now/atm, IIRC there was some
validation to make sure the form was not incomplete . I guess that bit
would be needed here.

One of the reasons Maybe it was not adopted is need of increased
privacy in sense of passport details being shared with as few people
as possible.

While I have no idea how things happen at the backend, maybe something
similar to

could be used to send part of the form who are looking at the visa
part while the rest of the team looks at other part of the webform.
While that code is used to cut the form and serialize it for
transmission, probably it could be used to send to different e-mail id
as well.

I can ask couple of my friends to come up with some sample/psuedo code
which could be used/integrated provided we are given some details of
how things work.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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