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This event is a self-driven packaging tutorial. Attendees of all
backgrounds are welcome. You will work through Lucas Nussbaum's
well-tested documentation and learn about:
- How to compile a Debian source package into a Debian binary package
- How to create new packages for Debian
and more.
Please attend if you are INTERESTED IN HANDS-ON LEARNING, and please
attend if you are WILLING TO ANSWER QUESTIONS! All levels welcome. I hope
Format: 2 hour BoF / self-driven tutorial
Date: 14:00, Friday July 8
Location: Menzies 11
Details: https://debconf16.debconf.org/talks/83/
Alba Crespi has graciously volunteered to run this event; I will (alas)
have already left by then!
-- Asheesh.
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