Hi guys,

On 1 July 2016 at 23:36, Gunnar Wolf <gw...@debian.org> wrote:
> martin f krafft dijo [Thu, Jun 30, 2016 at 11:00:46PM +0200]:
> > Hey,
> >
> > considering Lenovo has really gone downhill with their hardware and
> > judging how they interpret "next business day" to be a best effort
> > sort of non-promise (and then mess up the parts delivery), I'd be
> > really interested to hear from people at DC16 with other hardware
> > that they can recommend. If you're the proud owner of a rugged
> > laptop running Debian, please consider to ping me on IRC ('madduck')
> > or reply to this mail (reply-to set) and I'll come and find you
> > (starting Saturday…).
> After swearing not to ever buy an Acer again in the early 2000s, I
> broke my word and got one of the first-generation netbook Aspire One
> models. I used it as my primary laptop for >5 years.
> I am in my third year using the second machine of the same brand/line;
> am completely happy and satisfied. For my first machine, I had to
> change the battery once (never had to with the current one), and for
> both, I had to change the power adaptor. Power adaptors are probably
> the best you will find in this brand.
> The machines are on the slow side of reality, but for modest needs,
> they do the job quite well.
I second acer laptops. My entire family and I have been using acer laptops
each for the past 3-4 years as very happy customers. We have about 5
laptops between us, three large ones and two small netbooks and they all
run great! +1!


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