On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 2:24 PM, Wouter Verhelst <wou...@debian.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 04:32:27PM +0200, Bernelle Verster wrote:
>> On Sun, Jun 5, 2016 at 4:41 PM, Jonathan Carter <jcar...@linux.com> wrote:
>> > Started a wiki page for this so that others can easily find this 
>> > information
>> > too as it becomes available:
>> >
>> > https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Tennis
>> Tennis wiki updated
>> :)
> So, the verdict is:
> - We don't pay for use of the courts (but they need to be booked, and
>   will be less available during weekends than during weekdays)
> - We do pay for rental of rackets and/or buying balls, and they do
>   somewhat expect you to drink something in their bar (which does not
>   feature free beer).
> Given that, I think doing a little tournament would be nice. I'll even
> volunteer to officiate the final[1][2]. However, TTBOMK so far only four
> people have expressed interest in playing some tennis, which wouldn't be
> enough, really.
> If somewhere between 6 and 8 people sign up for a tournament, we could
> do a pool-type tournament with two groups, with the winner of each pool
> playing the final. That would mean every participant would need to play
> 2 (6 or 7 players) or 3 (7 or 8 players), with the winners of each group
> playing one more match (the final).
> If more than that sign up, doing a pool-type tournament would probably
> not be realistic anymore, and we'll fall back to a knock-out tournament
> instead.
> Thoughts? Interested participants?

I'd be keen (for the excuse to drink after exercise), but my ball
sense has never been good (comically so), so I'm just signing up to
get the numbers up.

I also discovered two rackets, but I am not sure if they're intended
for tennis or some other small ball sport. I'll bring them along
> [1] http://grep.be/blog/en/life/new_jobs,
>     http://grep.be/blog/en/life/tennis/whoo/, and
>     http://www.tennisvlaanderen.be/dashboard?userId=779163
> [2] provided I'm not one of the finalists myself ;-)
> --
> < ron> I mean, the main *practical* problem with C++, is there's like a dozen
>        people in the world who think they really understand all of its rules,
>        and pretty much all of them are just lying to themselves too.
>  -- #debian-devel, OFTC, 2016-02-12
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