On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 2:43 AM, Aigars Mahinovs wrote:

> I was looking up directions the Debconf16 venue and got to
> https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf16/Directions page. I get that I should
> take taxi or Uber to get there, but I still have no idea *where* I should
> go.

Seems like get a taxi to UCT Upper Campus and then walk to the
relevant buildings (see below).

> We need an address there and the exact building people should go to for
> registration.

Building details are here:


I quote:

DebConf will take place in the Snape Building on Upper Campus, while
DebCamp will be in the UCT Pub and the Open Weekend will happen in
Menzies. The main accommodation will be in Fuller Hall on Upper
Campus, a short walk from the various venues.

> Also appreciated would be a link from that page to how to get online in the
> Cape Town Airport in order to actually call the recommended Uber. Is there
> some place there with WiFi? Is there a place there to buy a local SIM card?
> At what times do they work? If someone arrives outside of that time and goes
> for a taxi - do taxis take credit cards? Is there an ATM at the airport?

Some info is here:



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