Hi Sven

On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 11:14 PM, Sven Bartscher <kritzef...@debian.org> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I remember reading that tap water is not generally drinkable in South
> Africa (unfortunately I don't remember where).

Water is drinkable in the towns and metropolitan areas, regardless of
what some people may tell you.


> So now I'm wondering how much I need to worry about getting water. Can
> I just drink tap water (that's what I'm used to) or should I buy
> bottled water?

But, in the Fuller residence where most of the attendees are staying
there are two confirmed water fountains with chilled, filtered water.
We are not producing water bottles this year, so please remember to
bring your own.

Most shops sell water for those afflicted souls who want bottled
water. (As a water engineer I get pissed off at such frivolity)


> Regards
> Sven
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