Hi shirish (2016.06.13_17:41:17_+0200)
> Few weeks back, I had applied for international debit card.

Your normal debit card isn't usable abroad? Generally debit cards are
Visa / MasterCard, these days, and work in foreign countries.

The common exception is online purchases that can require cards from the
country the merchant is in, for fraud control.

That said, sometimes some cards don't work in foreign ATMs, and others
do. I often have to try a couple before I find a combination that works.

> Soon I got one. Reading the literature which came with the card, came
> to know that the card works on magnetic strip technology when used
> domestically and uses chip-and-pin or Online Debit System as shared in

I believe the type of card (mag stripe vs EMV chip and pin) is orthogonal to
the online/offline payment authorization. Generally debit cards require
online authorization.

Credit cards can often be used offline. But very few merchants seem to
do that, these days.

> Now I don't know about South Africa, but in India there are still a
> majority of ATM's who only use the magnetic strip for authentication
> purposes and haven't moved on to the more supposedly secure system of
> chip-and-pin/Online Debit System as is supposedly the case in Europe
> and States.

I assume an ATM that uses the EMV chip on a card will fall back to the
magstripe if the chip isn't present.

Most ATMs capture the card, and it's impossible to know how it is
reading the card.

South African banks have been issuing cards with chip and pin for many
years now, and most payments use chip and pin.

But many foreigners (particularly Americans) still have mag stripe based
cards, and merchants can usually handle them without any trouble.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272
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