Thanks cate

On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 1:02 PM, Giacomo Catenazzi <> wrote:
>> On 11 Jun 2016, at 12:36, Bernelle Verster <> wrote:
>> Hi shirish
>> On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 10:58 AM, shirish शिरीष <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Can somebody share some guidelines for debconf. I know it is and can
>>> be a touchy subject as clothes are pretty much a combination of
>>> personal styles and the culture where we come from. But if there any
>>> guidelines, would be good to know and share. For Indians, for example
>>> I can share that it probably would be a good idea to have either thick
>>> cotton t-shirts just to make sure that you don't get cold. Have no
>>> idea about t-shirts, three-fourths, shorts, tank tops, trousers and
>>> all the different clothes which make a person unique.
>>> Looking for guidance, will also help in making correct choices, both
>>> for the conference as well as going out into the city.
>> DebConf is a 'anything goes' conference, you can be as formal or
>> informal as you like, you'd probably get away with being naked too.
>> Most attend in 'geek gear': cargo shorts and a T-shirt, but it's
>> really up to you, wear what is comfortable and reflects your person.
>> Some like to dress fancy, really, anything goes. As was discussed on
>> the team T-shirt thread, natural fibres are more odour absorbent and
>> keeps one comfortable for longer. DebConf days are never-ending and
>> full of concentration and activity, so dress for that.
> Some addition to Bernelle reply:
> Debian and DebConf is very respectful of personal choices and life style.
> So any dress (or lack of it) is accepted, as long it is not done as a pure 
> provocation. But venues could restrict our liberal dress code (it happens, 
> but it is seldom).

Good point. Venues at UCT and most of South Africa are fine as long as
it is not provocative, especially in the racist sense.

As an example of what can be worn, Laugh It Off was a company that
made cheeky shirts. It is acceptable to wear these anywhere: (I guess
many of these are very local)
their website seems to be down:

> Traditionally we have people walking bare foot, other people going without 
> shirts, and nobody complained. These people were having normal discussion 
> with other people with formal dressing (we have also people who prefer to 
> wear formal dress). Most of attendees will wear t-shirt (and many t-shirts 
> are Debian, DebConf or free software related).
> Because of DebConf 7 and the official kilt in that conference, some attendees 
> wear at DebConfs the Debian kilt. (Good people doesn’t ask if they wear 
> something under it).
> So, the general rule: wear what you like. Nobody will be too formal or not 
> enough formal for any part of DebcConf (as speaker, as attendee, for 
> conference dinner, etc.).
> To visit town, or if UCT have additional restriction, I leave the answer to 
> Bernelle (which I think already answered it).

Barefeet is allowed - I seldom wear shoes :) I do keep a pair of shoes
in my bag, but have maybe needed to put them on once or twice before
going into the more fancy restaurants. Winter is cold and in my old
age I tend to wear shoes sometimes now.

People will have no problem with seeing people in kilts, or people
they would label as male in female dress, or vice versa, or very
colourful clothes... I think nudity may offend some, but I don't know
if they would take action or let you know. So if you do choose to go
naked, please pack some clothes in case.

> ciao
>     cate
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