On Sun, 2016-06-05 at 20:27 +0900, Roger Shimizu wrote:
> Dear Debconf Team,
> This would be my first time to attned Debconf.
> How exciting it is!
> I already submitted talk proposal when applying, and now I'm preparing
> the slides.
> I watched a few video of previous debconf, found the slides are in same style.
> So I'm wondering where's the template for the slide?
> It'd be appreciated if I can using the template while draft stage.

There's a template for LibreOffice etc.:

There was supposed to be a template for LaTeX Beamer but I'm not sure
whether that was ever finished.


Ben Hutchings
The obvious mathematical breakthrough [to break modern encryption]
would be
development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers. - Bill Gates

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