add at bottom :-

On 04/06/2016, Steven Chamberlain <> wrote:
> Steven Chamberlain wrote:
>> Michael Prokop wrote:
>> > "The U.S. Diplomatic Mission to South Africa informs U.S. citizens
>> > that the U.S. government has received information that terrorists[...]
>> *sigh* a similar notice was posted for UK citizens:
> Oh, and bear that in mind too if travelling to Germany!
> Or to France, or Spain...
> "There is a high threat from terrorism. Attacks could be indiscriminate"
> The UK's homeland threat level is "severe", so I actually may be safer
> by travelling than not...
> Regards,
> --
> Steven Chamberlain

You could add india to that list -

In fact there should be one more high-profile attack that should have
been included in that list.

While people are free to make their own minds, I would argue giving
into irrational fear would let them (the terrorists) win even without
firing a single shot.

Incidentally, since the terrorist attacks have happened over a decade
and more, air travel has only gone up,


which means that apart from economic situations like the 2008-2009,
people are traveling more for business or leisure, not less and unless
some sort of real situation develops, we just have to  trust
ourselves, the systems that are in-place and just hope that things
happen for the best. AFAIK there is no system or country that is
fail-safe and nobody can give any such guarantees anymore, so yes, be
aware of things around you but don't give into irrational fears.

My 2 paise.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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