thanks Shirish

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 9:02 AM, shirish शिरीष <> wrote:
> at bottom :-
> On 02/06/2016, Bernelle Verster <> wrote:
>> hi
>> On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 6:36 AM, Keerthana Krishnan
>> <> wrote:
>>> Wow, that sounds like a great idea if done! It showcases the versatility
>>> of
>>> Debian beautifully, but is it possible to pull it together?
>> I would like to try. :) I know nothing of any of this though (I'm a
>> Debian and IT noob), so the first step would be to create a list of
>> requirements, flesh out what exactly you're thinking (this would
>> include support stuff, screens, plugpoints, extention cords, etc etc
>> as well as the 'Debian stuff' - hardware, bandwidth etc etc etc). I
>> can then take that to the local organisations and see what we can pull
>> together (wrt equipment and volunteers). I would need something great
>> to show them by ... this weekend? (Not final, but something that would
>> sell the idea well)
>> Perhaps, in the interest of time, the requirements need to be
>> prioritised into 'have to have, this won't happen without it', and
>> nice-to-haves. Shirish, could I ask you to make a start at it on a
>> wiki page, that you link to from the Debian Day wiki please?
>> Maybe ?
> Dear Bernelle,
> The expert in this area would obviously be Jonas as he has been
> working with embedded and is in know of much, much more and he would
> be probably more aware of which devices can have debian in a jiffy and
> which would require lot more work.

Jonas is also a purist, which is great, but I think in this context
and with the time limit, we need to look at what is agreeable without
being too ideological. Have a look at the ShowMeBox stuff, Jonas and
others did a lot of work there. Unfortunately the ShowMeBox as it is
currently envisaged may not make it to DebConf16, but this idea may
incorporate some of it.

> Having said that, have made a crude page at
> Most of the contestants are from
> Apart form the wired and wireless routers, there have been these
> smartwatches and all which probably also could be made to work. There
> is also the short-lived debian-mobile mailing list
> after which <speculate>I think
> a decision was made to put more efforts on getting android bits in
> Debian main, probably because most upstream may not be active.
> </speculate>
> Even if we can have a showcase of Android variants like Replicant and
> f-droid and conversations around them, that might get some interest
> going and I'm sure most DD's would have one or the other device which
> has them. The same would be of most GNU/Linux groups as well. If we
> are able to get some tablets hands-on even those will be good.

I think the goal here would be to play, and get broader interest in
hacking, open hardware. After the Open Weekend, this can become more
technical and purist :)
> Incidentally, I'm planning to buy a new phone (around $100 - $125)
> budget, so any recommendations to look at which is/could be ported to
> Debian would be good to know. @Jonas - recommendations ?
> --
>           Regards,
>           Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
>   My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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