in-line :-

On 06/05/2016, Bdale Garbee <> wrote:
> Bernelle Verster <> writes:
>> Please add your thoughts, ideas, suggestions to the wiki page, or on
>> this thread, regardless of if you plan to attend or not.
> If you'd like me to reprise the 'Understanding Debian' talk I've given
> before at Debconf open days in various forms, let me know.  Wouldn't be
> hard for me to pull a fresh copy together, but I'm not excited about
> doing the work unless it's actually wanted.
Hi all,
This probably would be more pertinent as Debian boobs/newbies are
expected to show up for that day.  Like me, there probably would be
lot of people interested in what happens in debian-project, how is the
roadmap decided and how different priories and conflicts are resolved.

> Another thought might be some sort of panel discussion with some of us
> crazy-long-timer Debian folks answering questions?  Some of my favorite
> Debconf memories are such Q&A sessions, like the one we had in Brazil
> that Amaya and others reminded me of in the wake of Ian's passing.

This probably would be more fun and engaging in the main debconf IMHO.

> Bdale

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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