Hi Tim,

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 04:31:39PM +0200, Tim Ansell wrote:
> My main interest in developing FOSS firmware for FPGAs is to develop fully 
> open
> source video capture hardware for live streaming of user groups and FOSS
> conferences like DebConf (the main reason I'm here at DebConf is to chat with
> your video team). The project is called the hdmi2usb.tv and is part of a 
> larger
> video capturing project called TimVideos (see code.timvideos.us).

I saw you earlier today in the lobby, with all the FPGA boards. I didn't
realize it was you. Please talk to me when you next see me; I would love
to talk about/experiment with gstswitch.


It is easy to love a country that is famous for chocolate and beer

  -- Barack Obama, speaking in Brussels, Belgium, 2014-03-26
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