On Mon, 17 Aug 2015 07:32:06 -0700
Jimmy Kaplowitz <ji...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'll be running a Dungeons & Dragons tabletop roleplaying game
> session tomorrow night and welcome players. For those who haven't
> done this before, it's basically collaborative storytelling where
> every player controls an adventurer in a fantasy world, and I'll be
> controlling the rest of the world while keeping the game moving.
> Dice, rules, and character sheets will assist us in the storytelling
> but the experience is the primary thing. No prior knowledge necessary.
> Preferably let me know if you're interested so I can plan
> accordingly, but you can also just show up.
> I will be in the Athena room (3rd floor building A) beginning at 19:00
> tomorrow, unless I announce a change of location here and on
> #debconf. We'll start by explaining how this works for people who
> don't already know, introducing players to their characters, and
> maybe creating new characters if time and motivation permit. We'll
> aim to start playing by 19:45-20:00.
> Extra details for people who already know D&D: This will be 5th
> edition, and characters will begin at level 1. I'm still deciding
> which adventure to run but it will be in a reasonably typical fantasy
> environment, possibly the Forgotten Realms but not necessarily. I
> have two sets of dice, some mechanical pencils and one physical copy
> of the 5e Player's Handbook. More of these supplies would be welcome,
> as would graph paper for map drawing, but we can make do with what I
> have.

I'm interested.
I have experience in pen&paper role playing (both as player and game
master) but never player D&D before.

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