also sprach Daniel Pocock <> [2015-07-07 10:22 +0200]:
> - Google Maps doesn't seem to know about this bus when giving
> directions, it knows the place as "DJH Jugendherberge Heidelberg
> International" but it doesn't show the stop on the map

Don't use Google Maps. ;)

> - Openstreetmap says it is not found

It is confusing, indeed, as the stop labelled Jogendherberge doesn't
correspond to a sensible connection.

> - one of the top results in a Google search for "Heidelberg bus 32" is
>[3] but it doesn't seem to know the bus stop, type Jugendheberge
> and it goes to "Mardorf (Nidersachs), Jugendherberge" or "Uberlingen
> (Bodens), Jugenherberge"

The official name of the stop is "Neuenheim, Jugendherberge".

> - there is another site, that appears to show
> a lot more detail, exact bus times[4] - is this info official and
> is it correct?

Yes, this looks accurate.

> This final link appears to suggest 6 buses/hour weekdays,
> 3 buses/hour weekends and 2 buses/hour from 9pm.  Maybe somebody
> could add that on the info page if it is correct?

Sounds about right. Would you like to volunteer creating a patch for
the underlying XHTML page? ;)

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <> @martinkrafft
: :'  :  DebConf orga team
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