+++ martin f krafft [2014-09-18 10:50 +0200]:
> > Make some telepresence hardware running Debian for remote attendees?
> Fundamentally, this is a great idea, but what a job… I was on the
> technical team of http://tokyolectures.org/, which did telepresence
> across seven universities in 2004. We had resources available that
> DebConf does not, at least not yet. Technology has advanced, surely,
> but there is still no presence and even in business meetings with
> equipment valued at tens of thousands of Euros nowadays, it's still
> very hard to be effective and requires *a lot* of discipline.
> So yes, let's do it, but this will take a couple of years to get
> right. Who's in? ;)
I am very interested in effective remote presence at conferences,
primarily to reduce my completely unsustainable travel emissions
footprint. I agree it's a very hard problem, especially as the
corridor part is just as important as the lecture part IMHO. If anyone
is working on this in a free-software-freindly way I'd love to help in
my CFT.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
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