Am Donnerstag, den 15.08.2013, 20:59 +0200 schrieb Zlatan Todoric:
> Is there anyone Swiss that preferably lives in or nearby Yverdon - or
> otherwise in Geneve, Neuchatel, Bern or Zurich?
> The first bus to Bosnia is leaving on Tuesday so I need somewhere to stay
> until then!

We (my wife and I) can give you a free ride to Ljubljana this Sunday if
you manage to come to Kreuzlingen on Saturday evening/night on your own.
We will leave on Sunday around 09:00 or 10:00 in the morning, since we
need to be in Slovenia in the late afternoon/early evening. If you like
you can also spend the night from Sunday to Monday in Ljubljana (we will
be staying in a small apartment with a spare bed, not a hotel) - also
for free, of course. 

Sadly the train ticket from "Concise, Camp de Vaumarcus" to
"Kreuzlingen" is pretty expensive (90 CHF) according to - and
even more worse: you loose an evening/night at Le Camp...

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