Hi all,

As you might have seen from debian-jobs [0] in June, my employer [2] and 
sponsor of DebConf13 is hiring talented Web Developers (DevOps, Moodle, 
Drupal, etc) and values FLOSS background, web experience and skills.

If you are interested in discussing job opportunities at Liip in 
Switzerland (offices in Lausanne, Fribourg and Zürich), please come see 
either me (OdyX) or Kevin (kevinmoilar).

We are looking forward to discuss with you!



[0] http://lists.debian.org/debian-jobs/2013/06/msg00001.html
[@] http://www.liip.ch/

Le mercredi, 19 juin 2013 15.12:11, Didier Raboud a écrit :
> Liip offers multiple work-life balance advantages such as part-time
> work, parental leave, great education budget, and so on. Liip also
> offers a very FLOSS-friendly atmosphere by encouraging employees to
> take part and responsibilities in open-source projects.
> Finally, although the offers linked above are currently only in
> german, one can very well work in french or english, although
> fluency in at least one swiss official language is recommended.

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