On Wed, Aug 07, 2013 at 20:34 +0200, Urs Schroffenegger wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 August 2013 18.30:45 Ben Hutchings wrote:

> Maybe just some power cords with standard plugs could com in handy?
> Swiss plug on one side and the plug for the power brick on the other?

> I think it's something like that:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_60320

> Looks like C7 on my lenovo power brick and C5 on my samsung. Check on the
> laptop power supplies, if it's pretty standard, maybe that could help?

I don't think buying these would make sense as a lot of people will already
have their own cables, simply with the "wrong" plug at the end.

Each of these cables would just allow a single person to connect their laptop
while adaptors from the "weird" [0] Swiss plug to more commonly encountered
ones allow us to connect various power strips. These will, in turn, enable
many people to simply use their own cables.

[0] ok ok, every country is entitled to their own plug, but still ...
Wolodja <deb...@babilen5.org>

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