Le dimanche 02 décembre 2012 à 18:31 +0100, Philipp Hug a écrit : 
> > AFAIK there was an offer of a huge "anonymous donation", which at the end
> > seemed more a loan, and IIRC to speed up the process and not let discuss
> > about lack of money. I don't know the source and I don't know if there was
> > string attached.
> > Anyway that offer endured only few days because debconf-team and localteam
> > declined such offer.
> This is correct. After this was mentioned on IRC I asked about the
> details of this 'donation' and figured out it's just a loan, accepting
> some risks though, but with strings attached: The venue would need to
> be LeCamp.
Is this anonymous-donation-which-is-not-a-donation story related to the
rumors of sponsorship from a large tobacco company?

It would worry me that it was even considered to accept money from a
murderer company.

 .''`.      Josselin Mouette
: :' :
`. `'

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