Luca Capello writes ("Re: [Debconf-discuss] [Debconf-announce] DebConf12 Mass 
OpenPGP Keysigning: 18:00 Thursday, July 12 in Roberto T erán"):
> On Wed, 11 Jul 2012 01:57:52 +0200, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> > We're going to try something a different this time around.  Please
> > bring blank paper, a pen, and a trustworthy computer with a reasonable
> > operating system and gpg installed, capable of either wireless
> > networking or reading data off a USB stick.  Please make sure your
> > computer's battery is charged.
> I would have objected to this kind of keysigning for the last part,
> because it means that people who does not have a computer capable of
> "wireless" power (i.e. no AC power) can not participate.
Keysigning parties are already difficult enough logistially without
making it a requirement to cope with everybody's technological
deficiencies (or for that matter special procedural opinions or
whatever).  Or to put it another way, being excluded from
participation in a keysigning party for an arbitrary reason is not a
big hardship.  If you need your key signed for some reason, or want to
sign keys, you can do so in an ad-hoc manner.

Sorry to be negative.

(who does not speak for any keysigning party organiser)
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