Basic info ---------- Software name: Comas Note that this is *not* the Comas we used in 2005-2006. The name was retained due to the author being quite stupid ;-) But it does not share a line of code with it, not even the database structure. URL: License: GPL Last sign of upstream activity: 2012-03-28 (although the activity is *really* low lately Programming language: Ruby Supported database backends: PostgreSQL Supported authentication backends: Internal only, although it should not be too hard to add others
DebConf requirements: --------------------- Ability to manage attendee data: This is one of the reasons I started the reimplementation of Comas: To make it as easy as possible to add extra information to the basic attendee and proposal (what in Penta we call person and event). Just add a field to the database, it will appear in all relevant screens. Add a linked table, it will display the catalog. It is *not* as flexible as I'd like, though, and there is some hacking for some things regarding attendee details over time (i.e. details are added to "person", not to "conference_person"). Talk submission workflow: Quite easy IMO... Not much to say about it. Talk rating workflow: Not yet written. Talk feedback workflow: Not even thought of yet. Reporting ability: Not yet written besides very basic statistics Internationalization capability: Gettext-based. There is a bug in Ruby's gettext that is quite annoying and I should look into, as it makes it mix languages at some points :( Ability to extend in a maintainable way: As I already said, I think whatever we choose will be forked from upstream. I mainly use Comas for my work (and the not yet written parts are because my work does not need them), but if we chose this, I'm upstream. Any other DebConf features already supported: Have you ever successfully installed or hacked it? Was it hard? I wrote it. It was hard. And somewhat fun :) Overall summary --------------- Most important strengths: Flexible; I'm upstream (although that can easily become a weakness); quite standard Ruby on Rails. Works 100% with packages in Debian stable. Most important weaknesses: I have not yet working on migrating it to Rails 3.0. It lacks important parts for our workflow Would you recommend we use it, and why? Possibly, but you'd have to convince me. _______________________________________________ Debconf-discuss mailing list