Quoting Dobrica Pavlinusic (dpav...@rot13.org):
> First of all, thank you all for great DebConf!
> Several people expressed interest in visiting Zagreb or killing few
> hours between arriving in Zagreb and flights, so we will be waiting
> at bus station in Zagreb for following Banja Luka -> Zagreb busses:
> 08:45 -> 11:55
> 11:30 -> 14:55

Thanks a lot for organizing this. I won't be there but some people
might be interested.

However, please notice that we "ship" two special buses full of Debian
people. Bus 1 just left, at 06:00 and will go to the airport,
dropping people there and then to *the train station* (as most people
going to Center Zagreb have a train later on).

It is quite difficult to tell when this bus will arrive in Zagreb and
exactly *where* as this is not a regular bus (so not at Zagreb central
bus station). Hopefully, some people in this bus will have got your
email and may use your phone numbers to reach you.

The second bus will leave Banja Luka at 11:00 and will go first to
Zagreb train station, then to Zagreb airport. Again, we don't really
know when we'll arrive exactly. I'll be in that one but will leave at
the airport, so we can't meeet. Still, other ppl might be interested.

Again, thanks for being so welcoming. This is really appreciated by
the Debian community. I'm not sure how many people will be able to
benefit from your offer and I hope that some will.

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