On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 03:40:06PM +0200, martin f krafft wrote:
> I really would have wished that people had been much more
> considerate about uploading other people's pictures to the public
> Web.
> I for one do not want my pictures on the Internet.
> I also realise that this is a fight against windmills and am rather
> sad about that.

Well, if we decide to ask permission for each attendee before uploading DebConf
pictures we wouldn't have pictures published at all, which is too bad.

To improve things here you can ping the photographer in pvt and reduce the
chance of having your photo forever in the cloud. If it's not enough for you
(and other people), I propose a way to have your face somewhere (penta?) with
explicit instruction like "don't make public any shot that contains this face".
I'm sure the DC friendly photographers will respect your wishes.


  .''`.  Tiago Bortoletto Vaz                         GPG  :      1024D/A504FECA
 : :' :  http://tiagovaz.org                          XMPP : tiago at jabber.org
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