On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:29:02PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Wouter Verhelst]
> > I'm off with him to the rafting station again, to see if it maybe
> > has been left behind; but if that isn't the case, and someone has
> > it, could they please step forward ASAP?
> I hoped to catch you before you left, to see if I could come along and
> look for my hat, but apparently your email was stuck too long in the
> moderation queue and you had already returned when I found Tollef. :(

s/moderation queue/my laptop's mail queue/

(I'd sent out that mail, did some modifications on the debconf video
pentabarf interface so someone else could take up my shift if I didn't
make it back in time, and then suspended my laptop without checking that
the mail had gone out... oh well)

> Tollef said you had asked about my hat, but it was not known to the
> restaurant staff. :(
> I am pretty sure I know where my hat is, hanging where I left it in
> the corner of the room where we changed to go rafting.  I would love
> to go to the rafting site to look for it.  Anyone with a car willing
> to help me get there?

I'd have been happy to, but I see you've already got it back now.

The volume of a pizza of thickness a and radius z can be described by
the following formula:

pi zz a
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