> Someone knows how long does it take from plane arriving to getting to the bus 
> stop at Zagreb airport? normally waiting for luggage, customs and inmigration?
> Regards,
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>From Arriving to get luggage like 10-15 min, passport 5-10min, I just
passed at 21.40hrs, bus to main station bus cost 31hrk (one ATM on bag
line and several just passing passport and customs). The bus took time
to get in motion I must got it at 22.15 and until 22.45 got running at
main bus station you must know that the tickets are sell on the upper
floor. Maybe earlier on it's more busy. I got the idea that was very
fast (except for the wait for the bus to get moving). I'm waiting for
the 02.00 hrs bus to Banja Luka.


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