Quoting http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf11/Arrivals:
> A night train arrives in Zagreb, then passes nearby Banja Luka with a stop
> at Novska and Okucani. From there it's only ~90 (70) km to Banja Luka. If
> several people would take this train, it would make sense to organize a
> minibus for the last kilometers. There is another night train from Munich
> which arrives two hours earlier.
A number of people, including myself, arrive in Zagreb with EN 499 on 23 or 24 
July. That train continues, after a 20 minute stop, to Novska as train 741. 
Have anyone considered that option? I have bought an Interrail ticket, so I 
should be flexible. How many should we be to get a minibus to pick us up? It's 
been discussed back in April, but there was no definite answer.

The first possible regular bus seems to be the one that leaves 10:30. There is 
no 09:00 bus on Sundays and twenty minutes seems to be too little time to get 
to the bus station anyway(?). Catching the 08:53 train to Banja Luka, with the 
help of some luck, might be the best option.

Magnus Holmgren        holmg...@debian.org
Debian Developer 

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