
On Mon, 16 May 2011 00:01:15 +0200, Holger Levsen <hol...@layer-acht.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011, Adnan Hodzic wrote:
> > I guess we could have it arranged, as long as he's not the only time
> > leaving in that time +2/-2hrs.
> what if, if he is?
> what if, if in that time +-6hrs?
> +-24hrs?

Presumably, he gets to take the public bus, which run about every 2
hours throughout the day.

I really don't see that he should be making his flight decision based on
the presence or otherwise of the DebConf shuttle.  In fact we should act
like a rogue bus service, trying to steal the business from the official
busses -- we have more information than them, so if we know we'll have
enough customers to pay the hire of a bus (by taking the fees from the
public bus and multiplying by passengers) then we should run a bus and
otherwise not bother.

I think that's what Adnan's been saying all along.

Unfortunately, that does mean that we can only run busses to Zagreb,
because that's the only place that has a decent bus service without our

It might have been nice to find out how many people would prefer to
travel via Sarajevo, or by train to Okuani, say, and then persuade them
all to get there are similar times, and run a bus, but given that Okuani
is not a useful place to be in the absence of a DebConf shuttle bus, and
we cannot justify such a bus without enough customers, I don't think
that's going to happen.

That being the case, how about if we announce it something like this:

  There is a regular public bus service (~every 2hrs) from Zagreb to
  Banya Luka, so this is probably the best place to travel via, for both
  train and air travellers.

  If that's not good enough for you, feel free to make your own plans,
  but note that others have been looking for alternative routes, and
  most have concluded that alternatives are not better (Hint: the useful
  trains are slower and less frequent than the busses, and the
  alternative airports have significantly worse public transport)

  If you insist on making you own arrangements despite this advice, that
  is of course your choice, but you might want to read the wiki pages
  [Travel-Arriving] that include the information that's been discovered
  by those who have already tried -- please update the wiki if you
  succeed in finding a good route, and more importantly, fix the wiki so
  that it would have stopped you wasting your time once you fail.

  Regardless of what you decide, please add yourself to the
  [arrivals/departures] page -- if you're flying into Zagreb, this will
  allow us to determine the busy periods, and lay on extra busses -- if
  you're going off-piste and doing something like flying elsewhere and
  hiring a car, it will allow others to get in touch with you for a car
  share, say.

  Obviously, if you're about to book, check for times that are already
  busy, and try to make similar arrangements, since that will ensure
  that you're in a cluster that will be large enough to justify a bus.

  If you're uncertain, put a provisional entry in the wiki by recording
  the flight/train number as "UNBOOKED" as that will allow all the
  undecided to settle on big groups (if you do this, remember to update
  things when you actually book -- we'll not plan busses on the strength
  of unbooked entries)

Do you think that would help?

We should perhaps use something a bit better than that wiki page for
recording the arrival/departure times, since it's going to be chaos at
busy times, and someone's bound to screw up and delete half of it while
trying to sort it into chronological order.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]    http://www.hands.com/
|-|  HANDS.COM Ltd.                    http://www.uk.debian.org/
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