I have a question pertaining to the subject line.

I propose that we drop "Developers" from the conference name.  Debconf, 
it seems to me, wasn't just for developers, but also for maintainers, 
interested people in general, enterprise users, system administrators, 
etc.  It should be the "Debian Conference", right?

-- John

On 08/19/2010 03:26 AM, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi Reinhard, hi *,
> On Montag, 16. August 2010, Reinhard Tartler wrote:
>> it also lacks an abstract of one of my talks, despite having submitted a
>> longish text to penta. The other abstract submitted exactly the same way
>> made it in.
> is it in now?
>> And yes, I've already mailed about this, but didn't receive any reaction
>> :-( - Perhaps I mailed the wrong person? Who would be best to contact
>> about this?
> atm this list, I guess.
> cheers,
>       Holger, who also lazily wonders whether+how the proceedings.pdf was/is
> updated on media.debconf.org
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