On 08/11/2010 09:07 PM, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting John Goerzen (jgoer...@complete.org):
>> <grin>   That's was great!
> Bleh, you lucky John who can't yet have your own son making fun of you
> in public mailing list. Beware, that time will come, man....:-). I'd
> recommend *not* teaching too many things to Jacob to avoid this....

Heh.  Hats off to JB for sending the funniest message to debconf-discuss 
I've seen this year.

Jacob is already making fun of me in his own 3-year-old way.  He just 
doesn't have a mail reflector behind him yet... ;-)

Sample conversation:

Me: "Jacob, it's time to take off your pants so you can use the toilet."

Jacob: "Dad, these aren't PANTS.  They're SHORTS!"

... a few minutes later ...

Jacob: "Mom, dad called these PANTS.  They're really SHORTS.  Isn't that 

I can totally see him being an ftpmaster one day... ;-)

> (sent from Cape Cod, where we had today the immense pleasure to see
> dozens of whales boucing around us in a tremendous whales-watching
> trip)

Very nice!

(As an aside, I was talking to a man on a sailboat in Nantucket Sound 
via amateur radio last night.  He said it was a beautiful evening up 
there, and would have been just a few miles from you.  I'm a bit 
jealous, as our power went off here, the temperatures are still hot, and 
we have no air conditioner without power...)

-- John
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