Hideki Yamane (henr...@debian.or.jp) wrote on 7 August 2010 08:07:
 >Hi all,
 >On Sun, 1 Aug 2010 22:00:40 +0900
 >Yasuhiro Araki <a...@debian.org> wrote:
 >> Thank you for requesting cdn.d.n updating request.
 >> I just has added mirror.cc.columbia.edu to list of cdn.debian.net.
 > How's your feeling about cdn.debian.net, nice? bad?
 > Please give back your feeling/idea to Yasuhiro Araki <a...@debian.org> , he 
 > really 
 > wants *your* voice (to keep "motivation", "communication" is important, 
 > right? :-)

I think it's a good feature. It's particularly interesting because it
operates at the dns level, so it works for all protocols.

Judging from http://debiancdn.appspot.com/managesurrogate I'd say
there are still some adjustments to do. An important limitation is
that it seems to use only the IP to probe mirrors by http, so it
doesn't work with name-based virtual hosts. Therefore many important
mirrors, sometimes the most important ones, are excluded.

My view is that this problem should be fixed before cdn is recommended
for widespread usage and/or used in the installer.
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