Hector Oron dijo [Sun, Aug 01, 2010 at 09:51:47PM +0200]:
> > We visited Amsterdam restarurant last night in desperation, and
> > found:
> > 
> >  - draft ales
> >  - excellent food
> >  - wall power by tables
> >  - free wireless, no key required
> > 
> > There was fairly loud music by midnight though, so it may be just quiet in
> > the day time.
> I do not remember very well.. ;-)
> ... but yes, seems like a great place.

FWIW, when I was about to meet the DebConf delegation there after my
9:00-12:00 shift at front-desk, I found them as a hungry and
desperate-looking group lurking the streets in search for
shelter. They looked certainly pathetic and compassion-inspiring - I
think that's because Amsterdam closes at 12AM.

They were hungry and thirsty. I was only thirsty. Besides, I was
riding a bike, which they didn't have - And I feared that, given their
condition, they would try to steal my bike (which is, worse of all,
lent by a good friend!) and sell it for food+beer, so I quickly head
back to 114th street.

Upon my arrival, I met with yet another unfortunate group of
exilees. They were happy exilees, all in all, as they carried precious
b33r on them - And looked as thirsty as myself! They were arguing,
though, with the Carman dorms' guard.

The guard explained that he was not allowed to see them entering the
premises with alcohol. And they had some beer. And if they drank on
the street, they would surely be fined+arrested by the local cops. Oh,
the dilemma! Good thing that I arrived just then, on my bike, with my
DebConf bag hanging 'round my neck.

So, right away -and in front of the guard- they deprived me of my bag,
gently allowing me to keep its contents, and "hid" the beers inside of
it. I agreed to their extortion in exchange for a beer or three. The
guard agreed that he was no longer seeing the beers enter the
building. And we had a very good night chat at the basement.

So, in short: If you want to get the beers, go to the small
supermarket across Broadway - but don't forget to bring your DebConf
bag along. After all, that's why it was given to you! In future years,
the orga team will explore handing out the shirts and local
information in small, beer-shaped brown paper bags.

PS- Has anybody seen my bag? It seems to have got lost after
    yesterday's night at the basement...
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