John Goerzen <> writes:

> My wife and boys (ages 1 and 3.5) will be in NYC doing the exact same
> thing.  I think she'll be glad to know she's not the only one.  Do you
> (or anyone else) have suggestions on childrens' activities?
Glad to hear it; my own kids are not much older (a 5.5-year-old boy
and a 3.5-year-old girl), so I'll be happy to discuss playdate
possibilities off-list.  In previous trips to the city (a few hours'
drive for us), we've enjoyed the Central Park Zoo and various museums;
I hear the Bronx Zoo is worth a visit as well, but we haven't yet made
it up there.

I don't have time to put anything up on the Wiki at the moment, sorry.

> I appreciate you asking.  The answers will be relevant to me too, and
> I didn't think to ask all of that myself.


> I'm a recently-licensed ham myself.


> You planning to bring a handheld along?

No; due to various considerations, I haven't actually touched a radio
in years.

Aaron M. Ucko, KB1CJC (amu at, ucko at |
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