I just browsed http://media.debconf.org/ and found some bugs, since the pages
don't offer a contact to who to send these things I'm sending it to the list
in the hopes that somebody will hear them out :)

- the 'Debian directories' link at http://media.debconf.org/ points to
  http://media.debconf.org/dc8/ for DC8 but that directory gives out a '403
  Forbidden error'. It seems to be missing an index.html (like in the other

- DC8's report (http://media.debconf.org/dc8/report/) provides the report but
  not the sources, unlike other debconfs

- It would be nice if reports were made available also in HTML. Since Scribus
  is used 

- It would be nice if all the DCx pages pointed to the main site for that
  debconf (debconfX.debconf.org), and to the location of the video streams
  for that Debconf

- It would be nice if the debconf sites (debconf8.debconf.org,
  debconf7.debconf.org et al) would have a header that said:
    "This Debconf is over! The final report is available here (xxxx) and
     the video streams of this debconf can be found at xxxx"

That's all!



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