On Wed, 22 Jul 2009, Don Armstrong wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jul 2009, Andrew McMillan wrote:
> > FWIW I bought a YOIGO SIM in Barcelona which included 20 Euros
> > prepay for 20 Euros.
> I'm actually interested in tracking one of these down today; does
> anyone know of a store around which would have them (and would
> someone with more spanish knowledge than me be interested in helping
> me get one?)

Thanks to Anibal, we were able to track down a retailer of Yoigo sim

The Phone House Spain, SLU
C/ Pintores 1
10004 Cáceres

927 090 106
927 227 752


[Unfortunatly, I can't get google maps to pull it up properly, but
it's near the old city.]

Don Armstrong

If it jams, force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyway.
 -- Lowery's Law

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