On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 02:42:20PM +0200, Moray Allan wrote:
> martin f krafft wrote:
> > Bring your laptop and do it on screen then. What a waste of paper
> > the whole process is anyway.
> It's also not especially secure to depend on the fact that no one else 
> ever gets to interfere with a piece of paper you have around the place 
> for a week, to copy whatever mark you're making onto an extra key or two.

I always marked keys of persons who did not turn up negatively in a way
that is not turnable into a positive sign.  Of course you should also
make sure to sign the papers to make sure that noone slips a new sheet

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
 .''`.  Philipp Kern                        Debian Developer
: :' :  http://philkern.de                         Stable Release Manager
`. `'   xmpp:p...@0x539.de                         Wanna-Build Admin
  `-    finger pkern/k...@db.debian.org

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