
Is this issue still valid for your record?

My record and Sils, appears just like yours.
?What should we do?

It's necessary to contact a Team Member?

Also I'm not appearing under the 'Travel dates by *' lists.


W. Martin Borgert wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some questions for the penta experts:
> 1. I registered before the (enhanced - thanks!) deadline and
>    received the positive mail about possible sponsorship (thanks
>    again!). My category is "Non-Hosted Independent", but
>    shouldn't it be "Independent"?
> 2. I believe that I selected "I will arrange my own
>    accomondation", but would like to have a "Regular Room". But
>    penta just shows "5". What does this mean?
> 3. I think, that I selected "Vegetarian, I need food
>    sponsorship", but penta shows "10". What does this mean?
> TIA!
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