Quoting Christian Perrier (bubu...@debian.org):
> Many people started arranging their trip to Caceres and several
> (incl. me) particularly seem to rely on trains for going at least from
> Madrid to Caceres and back (I unfortunately dropped the night train
> idea for going to Madrid, because of too high prices...:-( ).
> However, while trying to book these trains, I found out that the above
> page seem to mention trains *that are not mentioned on RENFE web
> site*:
> Madrid-Caceres: 16:40-20:02 --> no such train
> Caceres-Madrid: 09:25-12:51 --> no such train

Both these trains are now appearing on the RENFE web site.

Exact schedules are:
16:25-20:02 Madrid-Caceres
9:25-13:11 Caceres-Madrid

Both are TALGO trains (the Spanish tilting trains that are allowed to
run faster on conventional tracks) and probably have fewer stops than
other trains, so I would recommend choosing them. They're a little bit
more expensive (30.9euros instead of 24.5 for normal prices).

TALGO trains have a "web fare" that's is 12.4euros.

Please note that one cannot book mor ethan two months in advance. So,
for instance, I can book for July 21st but not for 31st.

These trains, as well as all other trains *except the "TRENHOTEL"
night trains* (first Caceres-Madrid train and last Madrid-Caceres
train) are accessible for disabled people. That requires a specific
assistance that has to be booked in advance (I guess they use special
elevators or ramps in the stations).

I corrected the wiki page:


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