On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 07:36:30PM -0300, Valessio S Brito said:
> I've been playing the assassins and this morning I killed my victim,
> but have been killed by my assassin at the afternoon.
> As I have just arrived Daytrip, there was at the system just the
> killer's report that I had  been killed, and I have confirmed my
> death, but now I can't tell I had killed my victim too, and maybe this
> allows him to keep in the game.

Yes, I think we have an ordering problem, such that we can't have a
person in state 'dead' or 'dead but pending' enter new kills.  I think
this is rare enough that I'll worry about it next year, and fix it
manually for now.  If you come see me (usually 1st floor hacklab)
tomorrow, I'll fix it up for you.

> One more thing: I think that the use of the oficial conference
> identification should be on the rules; it's hard to find the people by
> photos, it would be easier if all had identifications...

We can't give you too much info - a good assassin has to be able to
research :)

More seriously, this is something lots of people have lots of opinions
on.  I don't much care either way, so I'll let people argue about it for
the next year, and make the changes in next year's game.
|  Stephen Gran                  | Genius is one percent inspiration and   |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | ninety-nine percent perspiration.   --  |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | Thomas Alva Edison                      |

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