Em Monday 11 August 2008 11:54:09 Giacomo Catenazzi escreveu:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a good book shop in MDQ or in BA, where I could find
> some oldest editions of Borges' books. Any idea where I could find
> it?
> From next Sunday to Tuesday, I like to visit BA.
> Are there some tips where to sleep / eat / visit?
> Are there some other attendees around?
> note: I'll really visit the city, instead of attending DebianDay.
> ciao
>     cate
I'll be in Buenos Aires from Sunday to Saturday. I'll be doing some 
shopping and walking around, as well as attending to a preparatory 
event to the ECPAT International III world congress [0].

I intend to buy all what I can find by Borges, Cortázar and whatever I 
get by García Márquez in spanish.

Tips welcome too!

[0] http://www.ecpat.net/WorldCongressIII/index.php


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