
Am Freitag, den 25.07.2008, 17:54 -0300 schrieb Dario Rapisardi:
> >Just FYI: Since this year, many (all?) foreigners don't get more
> >than 600$..650$ (moon phase?) from ATMs (= 120..130 EUR or
> >200..215 U$S). Last year, problem did not exist. (AFAIK, Swiss
> >embassy asked for an explanation and the banks replied, it's a
> >government order, while the government said, the banks are the
> >culprits or something like that.)
> For the record, I have a debit card from Spain which supposedly has a
> $300 limit (it used to be $500 last year). However, nothing prevents
> me from extracting $300 several times in the same day, or even without
> taking the card off the ATM (you take off $300, it asks you "do you
> want to make another transaction?" -> Yes! -> another withdrawal,
> etc). The only upper limit I was able to find was $3000.
> A friend of mine from Colombia also had the $300 limit, and he also
> worked around it with the "multiple withdrawal" hack.

you are talking about Debit card – does the problem also exist for
Credit cards?

In particular, with my MasterCard, I have to pay no fee if I withdraw
more than 100€ (so more than 500 Pesos) – how are my chances of finding
an ATM that allows me that?


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
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