Follows a copy of what I just posted to the DC blog:

DebConf 8 is approaching and our website is clearly not what we'd like
it to be. It turns out that compiling all the useful stuff that
travellers might need is not easy, so we kindly ask you —dear
lazyweb—, to lend us a hand.

The most important thing we need, is to recognise missing data. When
you're a local, is difficult to know what foreigners might need to
know. So, even if you don't know the country, your different point of
view could help.

The second thing is to actually get articles written, some stuff ought
to be written by locals, but the majority can be researched from the
web (as we already did!). Proof-reading and checking translation is
also appreciated.

Send us your patches, comments and suggestions to the website queue at
the RT system, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] Don't sweat over formatting:
plain text is OK, if you want to provide markup, please use very
spartan XHTML Strict.

Martín Ferrari
Debconf-discuss mailing list

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